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Kali Linux
Lab 2: Information Gathering
1. Nmap
2. Zenmap
3. Maltego
4. Nikto
5. Recon-ng
6. theHarvester
7. Shodan
8. DNSenum
9. dmitry (Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool)
10. NetdiscoverLab 2: Vulnerability Analysis
1. OpenVAS 2. Nessus 3. Lynis 4. Nikto 4. Wapiti 5. SQLmap 6. Legion 7. WPScan 8. Searchsploit 9. Vega**Lab 3: Exploitation Tools 1. Metasploit Framework 2. Armitage 3. ExploitDB 4. Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) 5. Beef 6. RouterSploit 7. Commix 8. MSFvenom 9. Empire 10.Shellter
**Lab 4: Wireless Attacks Aircrack-ng Reaver Wifite Fern WiFi Cracker Kismet Fluxion Cowpatty PixieWPS WifiPhisher Wifresti