Callout Component

A built-in component to show important information to the reader.


GitHub-style alerts are supported since v0.9.0. It leverages Markdown syntax to render the callout which ensures better portability and readability of the content.


A callout is a short piece of text intended to attract attention.
A callout is a short piece of text intended to attract attention.
A callout is a short piece of text intended to attract attention.
A callout is a short piece of text intended to attract attention.



Hugo can be used to create a wide variety of websites, including blogs, portfolios, documentation sites, and more.
{{< callout emoji="🌐" >}}
  Hugo can be used to create a wide variety of websites, including blogs, portfolios, documentation sites, and more.
{{< /callout >}}


Please visit GitHub to see the latest releases.
{{< callout type="info" >}}
  Please visit GitHub to see the latest releases.
{{< /callout >}}


This API will be deprecated in the next version.
{{< callout type="warning" >}}
  A **callout** is a short piece of text intended to attract attention.
{{< /callout >}}


Something went wrong and it’s going to explode.
{{< callout type="error" >}}
  Something went wrong and it's going to explode.
{{< /callout >}}