SSH ( Secure Shell)

  • Sceure she;; (SSH) is a secure network protocol which provide data encryption

  • SSH allows a user to securly access a remote system acrsoss a network

  • SSH uses port 22 by default


  • telnet is an unsecure network protocol which does not provide any data encryption features

  • telnet allows a user to access a remote system across a network but the connection is not secure

  • Telnet uses port 23 by default

Domain Name System (DNS)

  • Domain name system (DNS) is a network protool which is used to resolve a hostname to an IP addresses

  • DNS operates on port 53 by default

  • Since everything on network has an IP address it can be difficult to remember the IP address of every device on a network

  • Hostnames are assigned to systems and devices which makes it easier for us to remember

  • A DNS Server is a server which contains various recordes about hostnames to IP address mapping

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

  • FTP is a network protocol allows file transfer between an FTP client and an FTP Server

  • FTP does not provide data encryption it sends data in plaintext

  • FTP uses port 20 for data transfers

  • FTP uses port 21 for control (commands ) from the client to server


  • SFTP establishes an SSH session between the FTP client and the FTP server across the network

  • SFTP allows all the FTP messages to be sent across SSH Tunnel between devices

  • SFTP uses port 22 by default


  • FTPs uses secure sockets layer (SSL) to encryt the FTP messages as they are exchanged between the FTP client and the FTP server

Trivial FTP ( TFTP )

  • TFTP is a network protocol is a very light version of FTP which operates on port 69

  • TFTP is commonly used quickly upload and download files betwwen a client and a network devices

  • Networl Professionals Commonly used TFTP to Transfer the firmware to a network device to perform upgrades

Email Protocols

  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) - Sends outbound email messages and uses port 25 by default

  • Post Office Protocol 3 ( POP 3) - used to download email messages from an email server over port 110

  • Internet Message access protocol 4 ( IMAP4) - used to synchronized emails between the client and server over port 143


  • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a nwtwork protocol which allows a DHCP server to automatically distribute IP Address to client system on a network .

  • A DHCP client send DHCP message with a source port 68

  • A DHCP server uses port 67 by default



  • Hybertext Tansfer Protocol ( HTTP ) is an unsecure protcol which allows a web browser to communicate with a web server

  • web severs uses port 80 by default

  • HTTP over SSL ( HTTPS) allows a web browser to establish a secure connection to a web server

  • the connection can use either secure sockets layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security ( TLS)

  • HTTPS uses port 443 by default


  • Simple Network Management protocol ( SNMP ) is network protocol which is used to manage network devices

  • SNMP is able to gather informaton about devices on a network devices

  • SNMP is able to perform network monitoring and apply device configurations

  • SNMP has 3 components : Manager , Agent and Management Information Based ( MIB)

3 version of SNMP

  • SNMPv1 - Has bad security features
  • SNMPv2 - Has nad security features
  • SNMPv3 - Supports encryption and authentication
  • SNMP uses port 161

Network Time Protocl (NTP)

  • Network Time Protocol (NTP) is used to sync time on a network
  • NTP is unsecure by default , allowing attackers to exploit its vulnerabilities
  • NTP operates on port 123

Remote Deskstop Protocol (RDP)

  • RDP is a remore access network protcol which is designed for microsoft windows
  • RDP operates on port 3389

Lightweight Directory Access Protocal (LDAP)

  • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is used to perform read , write and query a directory server over a network

  • LDAP operates on port 389

  • Uses the X.500 standard defines how information is stored on a directory

  • LDAP is not secure by default and send unencryted data across a network

  • LDAPS ( LDAP secure) uses SSL to provide data encryption

  • LDAPs operates on port 636

Sever Message Block (SMB)

  • SMB is a network protocol which is used on Microsoft Windows environment for file shares services

  • SMB operates on port 137(UDP) , 138(UDP) and 443 (TCP)

Last updated 08 May 2024, 14:49 +0530 . history