Exploring IPv6 addressing

what is IPV6?

  • like IPv4 this new address has a fromat of it own
  • as you can recall an IPv4 address consist of 32 bits in length and can we written in deciaml notation for understanding
  • an IPv6 address consist of 128 bits in length and is written in hexadecimal notation
  • with 128 bits this allows IPv6 to scale to approximately 1 undecillion addresses
  • An IPv6 address is made up of eight(8) hextets , each comprises of 16 bits and this means 8 X 16 = 128 bits in length
  • Since Hexadedimal numbers are 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F (0 - f) each hextet ranges from 0000 - FFFF
  • Lets atke a look at few IPv6 addresses - 2001:0DB8:0000:1111:0000:0000:0000:0200

Type of IPv6 addresses

  • Global Unicast

    • In IPv4 , we called an internet assigned address a public address
    • In IPv6 , we have a public address as well , however its known as a Global Unicast address , 2000::/3
  • Link-local

    • An IPv6 link local address are in FE80::/10 network block
    • the link local address is used for local network communication only
    • this means there are two (2) IPv6 addresses on an interface 1 global unicast address for comminicatioon with devices within a local network
  • Loopback

    • the link local address haas the same funcationality aas the link local address in the IPv4 address space

    • However in the IPv6 space the link local address ::1/128

    • this means only the fisrt bits is 1 in the entire address

    • unlike IPv4 the IPv6 link local address is a single address

  • Unique local

    • this type of address has the similarity of a private address IPv4 address and is really limited to your network FC00::/7
  • Anycast

    • This type of address is shared between multiple devices , however the transmission of a message is sent to the closet device based on geographic location
  • Multicast

    • This address is used by a group devices
      • Aaassigned - FF0s::/8
      • Solicited Node - FF02::1:FF00:0000/104

Last updated 08 May 2024, 14:49 +0530 . history