Understanding Network Protocl Types

Network Protocol Type

  • The network protocol type is simply the set of rules which are used to describe how a system communicates with other devices over a network

  • if 2 devices wants to exchanage a message , both systems needs to negotiate on a common set of rules which is the network protocol type

Internat Control Message Protocol

  • Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) define RFC 792 is typically used to provide error reporting on a network

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) defined by RFC 793 is connection-oriented protocol which operates are Transport Layer of both the open systems interconnection (OSI) reference model and the Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol ( TCP / IP) protocol stack

  • it is desigened to provide reliable transportation of the datagrams over a network

  • it provides reasssurance by initianlizing 3 way handshake before communicating data between the senser the receiver

User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

  • user datagram protocol (UDP), defined by RFC 768 is a connectionless protocol

  • this protocol also operates at the transport layer of both the open systems interconnection (OSI) referenece model and the transmission control protocol / Internet Protocol ( TCP / IP) protocol stack

  • However unlike TCP ( TCP ) the user datagram protocol ( UDP) does not provide any guarantee or reassurance of the delivery of datagrams across a network

  • Not all protocols at the application layer uses TCP there are many layer 7 protocos which uses the User Datagram Protocol ( UDP)

Internet Protocol (IP)

  • Internet Protocol (IP) define RFC 791 was created for operations in interconnected systems of packet-switched computer communication networks

  • Connectionless

  • Uses Best Effort

  • Media Independent

Last updated 08 May 2024, 14:49 +0530 . history